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Pennsylvania School Performance Profile



Lehighton Area School District announced during November that the LEA will use data from Pennsylvania’s School Performance Profile (SPP) to more comprehensively assess the academic performance of each of its schools.  Public schools will now receive an academic performance score. In the past our schools previously received a No Child Left Behind designation.  An online public portal, the Pennsylvania School Performance Profile will now provide demographic data, academic data, and an academic performance score for public schools in the state.

Unlike previous measures of our schools, the School Performance Profile utilizes many data points to measure our schools’ academic strength.  While we receive a score for our schools, the more important aspect of this resource is that it allows us to acknowledge our strengths and use the profile as a tool for student improvement.

The School Performance Profile academic performance score is based not only on test scores but many other factors that signal student achievement. A student growth factor measures how well students are progressing toward proficiency in state assessments. Also measured are graduation and attendance rates, degree of rigorous course offerings at the secondary level.

Many data elements come together to create the academic performance score.  A score is reported for each school and is based upon indicators that define a high performing school in Pennsylvania. These elements are categorized into five areas.

Using the data through the PA School Performance Profile, it provides us with a broader lens to view the academic performance in our schools. Our staff is using this data along with other information to more fully evaluate the programs and services provided to students. 

Our schools welcome an additional view of academic performance. We as a district, administrators, and teachers are always open to new tools and strategies to further enhance data-informed decision making in our schools.

Access to the Pennsylvania School Performance Profile is available at or through the district portal at  

Related Files

Key Elements - SPP
 Key Elements - SPP
Executive Summary-SPP
 Executive Summary-SPP
Differentiated Recognition-SPP
 Differentiated Recognition-SPP

Related Links

Pennsylvania School Performance Home Page

Lehighton Area School District Performance Profile