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School Cafe

Introducing School Cafe's "Point of Sale"

Attention Parents & Guardians:
The following is a brief summary of our cafeteria pre-payment system. The system makes the payment process more convenient for everyone concerned.

Students will use his/her student I.D. number as their PIN (Personal Identification Number). As soon as they receive their number they should start to memorize it. Paid, Free, and Reduced paying students all must enter the pin number to complete a transaction. When your child enters their PIN into the system, their information, including their picture appears on the screen for the cashier to view. The most efficient method of using the system is for parents to deposit money into their child's account. The money is automatically deducted when the student makes a purchase. You may prepay weekly, monthly or even yearly. The system allows for any amount of money to be deposited, but we strongly recommend a minimum of weekly payments. 

By utilizing this system, you no longer need to worry about giving your child money everyday. If your child has a balance in their account at the end of the school year, it will be credited towards the next school year. For those of you who cannot prepay, you can still send lunch money on a daily basis.

Listed below are several options available when sending money with your child.

  1. Any amount of money may simply be put "on account". This would allow your child to use the money for lunch, breakfast, snacks or any combination.
  2. Payment may be sent in specifically for prepaid meals; prepaid lunches (PPL) and/or breakfasts (PPB), and snacks. You will need to specify the number of lunches/breakfasts you are paying for, and how much to put "on account" to be used for snack purchases. Example: 10 lunches @ $2.50 per lunch = $25.00, 10 breakfasts @ $1.30 = $13.00, $12.00 for snack money.

We strongly recommend paying with a check. Please enter the student name and PIN in the memo section. When your child's account reaches a low balance, he or she will be reminded that the account needs to be replenished. Make checks out to: Lehighton Area School District-(LASD).

The Middle School has a Pre-Payment Drop-off box located in the cafeteria. The High School has Pre-Payment Drop-Off boxes located in the lobby before school and one located in the cafeteria.   Elementary students may give their prepayment to the cashier at breakfast or to their teacher in the classroom.

NEW:  Pay or Review your child's lunch account on line go to and follow the instructions.