Business Office
Business Office
The Lehighton Area School District Business Office is responsible for the financial well-being of the District.
We are responsible for the financial systems, payroll, employee benefits, transportation, accounts receivable/payable, and student accounting.
Lehighton Area School District Business Office Staff:
Helene WelliverPayroll
(610) 377-4490 X 7503 Connie Ahner Accounts Payable/Food Service (610) 377-4490 X 7504 Rebecca Karpowicz
Business Affairs/Human Resource Coordinator (610) 377-4490 X 7523
Amanda Kilroy
Accountant 610-377-4490 X 7524
Business Office Contact Guide Please utilize the below information for “best” point of contact in the business office
Business Office News:
403B Information for Staff and 2024 Retirement Benefits Guide
403B Salary Reduction Agreement
403B Roth Salary Reduction Agreement
PASBO Information
The PA Association of School Business Officials (PASBO) unveiled a new website for school leaders, policymakers and the general public highlighting elements of school finance and operations policy. The new Data Dive website offers bite-sized information on complex school finance topics to assist in the understanding and analysis of education policy.
Developed by PASBO’s research and advocacy team, the Data Dive website covers everything from the basics of defining education terms of art, such as local education agency or average daily membership, to more complex subjects, such as the components, mechanics and dynamics of the Basic Education Funding formula and the mechanics of the charter school tuition calculation. Data Dive is structured into separate units and chapters, organizing related topics such as local, state and federal revenues that flow from basic concepts to more specific aspects of current policy.
In addition to providing bite-size guides exploring the critical policy components of school finance and operations, the website also provides insightful data analytics and visualization. The data analytics, which is provided on both a statewide and individual school district basis, will help illustrate for viewers how each topic or metric affects their individual school district or how their school district has changed over time.
Viewers can easily explore and better understand the aspects of school district local revenues, including property taxes and earned income taxes, and their relationship to assessed value, board authority and mandated cost growth. We are encouraging everyone to use this simple tool to build knowledge about the important components affecting the funding and operation of our schools and the impact different policies have on our students, schools and taxpayers throughout the commonwealth.
Click here for PASBOs Data Dive
“We are pleased to announce that starting with the 2012 tax year, the Local Earned Income Tax in our community will be collected and administered by Berkheimer Tax Administrator. This change is the result of state legislation (ACT 32), that requires the consolidation of the collection of Local Earned Income to a county “Tax Collection District”. The tax rate and all filing dates will remain the same; this is a change in the collector only. However, there are changes in the employer withholding requirements. Please visit the Berkheimer website for more details ( We encourage you to take advantage of the fast and easy e-filing for individuals and employers, offered by Berkheimer”.
Berkheimer Tax Administrator
Local Services
(610) 599-3142
George’s Transportation Company (610) 377-5511
Related Files
Lehighton Area School District Auditor General Performance Audit - October 2020
LASD Audit 2019
LASD Audit 2018
LASD Audit 2017
LASD Audit 2016
Click here for the Refinance Information from PFM discussed at the March 14, 2022 Workshop Meeting
Click here for more information on the American Rescue Plan ESSER Funding
Powerpoint from 8/9/2021 Finance Committee Meeting on ARP ESSER Funds
Click here for the Timeline of Events Related to the 2021-2022 Budget Process with PDE